Friday, April 24, 2009

GOODBYE CAST! and pins... hello brace

In recovery- woke up so pleasantly- smiling and polite.

We think the hardest part (maybe most painful part) will be weening from the video games... Here also shows Mario in his split cast (they split the sides so it can be take off- but saved if w.e wanted it)

Aidan and Mario cast free!!

Little doggie present from the doctors... Mario and his cast shell.

Phew... getting to ride in the car seat! Hooray for safety!

Aidan in his brace- I'll get a better one later where you can see the whole thing- but it's not bad. (They made the straps red because that's Aidan's favorite color).

The pins that came out of the little guys hip!! Ow!

1 comment:

  1. YEAH... I'm so happy that Aiden got his cast off!!! What a good little guy he is! He has been through a lot and still came out with a big smile. Give hugs and kisses to my little darlings and hopefully I will be able to see them soon.
    Love and hugs to all!
    Aunt Collie
