Saturday, December 18, 2010

Big Birthday Boy

My dear silly birthday boy is four years old! And, my, how he has grown. He has gone through a bit of an identity crisis toward the end of this third year. We have been discussing what it entails to be a big boy, mostly based around the fact that four year olds just don't use pacifiers. Owen has continued to use a pacifier when he sleeps at night, and the idea of giving that comfort up was pretty traumatizing. However, after much discussion, the big boy threw his pacifiers away. And, has not turned back. He is grieving some, but mostly has worked through this transition quite smoothly. We are very proud.
Here is some pictures of my little guy that is not so little any more!

Waiting for the guests to arrive, and talking in a Buzz Lightyear voice.

Here it is... getting rid of the pacifier!!

Here's just a cute posed picture.

And the blowing out of the candles.... "I wish to be three so I can keep the pacifier!"
Happy birthday little man! We love you so much!

Thursday, November 25, 2010

I am thankful for...

Apples! (Aidan's answer in the Thanksgiving program at his school). His "special day" at school was the day before Thanksgiving break, and that means he gets to bring in a snack and an item from home (this week something that he is thankful for) to share. He was pretty set on the fact that apples (and not the computer, just so we're clear, he is referring to the fruit) is what he is thankful for. He decided after much conversation... "I guess I am thankful for my brother too. He's always around to play with me." So, he took a picture of he and his brother to share at school. Here's the picture he took:

His special day was going well until... while getting off the bus to daycare after his special day was complete, the threw up. Its really awful as a mom to think of him sitting miserable on a bus not sure of what to do. He has played out the story for us a couple of was obviously a bit traumatic for him. "I tried to make it off the bus, but I just didn't," (he says slowly and disappointedly shaking his head). So, he has had the flu for this thanksgiving. WE are thankful that it seems to have been a very mild stomach flu, and we were still able to feast! Even he tried a bit of turkey.

I am so thankful for my little guys! And my big guy! and mom (who even braved the flu to be thankful with us!) and sis and family and friends! Happy Thanksgiving!

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Owen: "Am I perfect? Is that why you bought me?"

Here is the charmer feeding his monkey at the table. He put the monkey in his chair, got him his own fork, and fed him. Awww....

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Happy Halloween!

Buzz and Woody.... little Buzz was a bit under the weather, Woody- feeling GREAT!

Posing with cousins before filling the jack-o-lanterns... ready... set... GO!
And David and I went to a Halloween Party too... can you tell who we are? David's costume was not complete yet in this photo, he's missing his orange ascot- and really, we had two more members to our gang- I wanted to ask them first before posting. Fun times!

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Why we don't co-sleep...

Some nights Owen will pad in to our room and crawl into bed with us, which is a very new occurrence for us. When he was a wee one, like still infant days, I would sometimes give into the post baby exhaustion and put him in bed with me when that is all he wanted, but he smoothly transitioned away from that with no bumps (that I recall). We put the boys together as soon as Owen was out of his crib and they have been content since. That is until recently when he has been joining us. He must come in the middle of the night and we will wake to find him in bed with us. I asked him one morning upon waking to his foot in my neck, "why do you come in here at night, O?" To which he responded: "because my mom and dad are super cool!" Aw.... he's a master schmoozer already!
The picture above- both boys- O and daddy- were OUT! They didn't even wake when I took this picture. It looks like the lights are on, but it is just from my flash. I thought it was pretty cute. David didn't when he woke up with a stiff neck. I do admit... I do sometimes enjoy the snuggles- because they are fast outgrowing this phase. I have to get it when I can!

Friday, October 1, 2010

A, a horseshoe, and a microrapter

My grandma gave me this pendant long ago. She was Catholic... I was baptized and raised Catholic as was my entire Irish Catholic family. I really love this pendant, and when I came across it the other day, I found a chain for it and started wearing it. The back has the Serenity Prayer (so relevant no matter what religion, right?). Anyway, Aidan was looking at my necklace the other day and said, "Oh mommy, that is so pretty! Look, an A, a horseshoe, and a microrapter! Do you really love microrapters mommy?"

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

We have a kindergartener!

With zero sleep and lots of apprehension (on my part)... we took Aidan to his first day of school today. Wow. We are very impressed with the organization of it all, and while I know I will carry my anxious mom tendency with me... I am feeling somewhat relieved after today. I think David was very glad that I wasn't the only camera toting mama. There were lots of pictures being snapped and kiddos obliging to their parents need to capture this moment. I made it all the way to the car before I burst into tears. David and I went to breakfast and then got coffee, had a relaxing morning while we waited for Aidan's first (shortened) day to be done.
Here is some proof of the day...

Aidan and daddy walking to the school.
With mom in front of the school sign.
We couldn't ask for a more perfect kindergarten teacher. She is definitely in the right job. She is part of the reason we are feeling so at ease.
I think this is the reason I cried as we left. He did have a moment when he looked at us like, "really? You are going to leave me here?" But that quickly passed (for him... not for me).
And getting off of the bus... he forgot his backpack until we reminded him... then his lunch box... he will get the hang of it though!
And, we made it! Even little brother did well with his brother's absence at day care. Day care lady said Owen seemed to enjoy the attention focused on him with the other kiddos there, rather then having to share attention with brother. Aidan got in the car with us and said, "Owen, I missed you today!" Owen said (very nonchalantly), "yeah, I was at Karen's!" Here begins a new chapter- that started out very well!

Monday, September 6, 2010

Baby Gertie

Owen has a baby. He has had a baby since he was quite young, and recently took interest in his baby again. Baby Sunset- as Owen named him, has always been a boy to him, until recently. See, daddy made Owen laugh when he had chocolate milk in his mouth, and Owen spit chocolate milk out on Baby Sunset's clothes. Baby Sunset's clothes needed washing and Owen discovered that Baby Sunset doesn't have a (insert boy part name here). So Owen said, "Oh, I didn't know my baby is a GIRL!" He decided, then, since Baby Sunset is clearly a boy's name, that just wouldn't do! Now, Owen has re-named his baby to Baby Gertie. My little nurturer! Well, most of the time. Poor Gertie was overlooked at bedtime, and matchbox cars join Owen in bed tonight.
Owen has also decided that for Halloween this year, he would like to be "Princess Pea" from the show called Super Why. Aidan wants to be Super Why, so Owen has decided, that, naturally, he will be Princess Pea (another Super Why character). I asked if he knows Princess Pea is a girl. He said, "Yes mommy, I will pretend that I am a girl!" I love this boys comfort in his skin... at the same time, really? Do I buy him a princess gown for Halloween??

Sunday, September 5, 2010

August's company...

David's brother and his family came in town for Grandpa's funeral and stayed for a few days. It has been about three years since we have been able to be all together and it was really good to have them here. Now, that they live only a few states away, we hope that we will be visiting much more regularly!

Here- some of the pictures of our times together:

Piling on grandpa-
Uncle Weswee
Uncle David (Toward the end of the visit, Owen got confused and started calling daddy, Uncle David)
A little family!
Summer is winding down... Aidan will be headed to school TOMORROW... the air has a fall taste in it... we are preparing for the new season and next chapter, whatever that may bring!

Wednesday, August 18, 2010


Not too long ago... this was my Aidan...
Now- here is what I see:
So big, so silly, and sometimes so serious. He has orchestrated such a mind boggling and wonderful personality. I am in awe of this aware and focused little guy. One moment he can be licking the birthday cake... (for you folks that ate said birthday cake... he really wasn't licking the cake- just waggling his tongue above it- that's better, right?)
And the next, moment, holding his daddy's chin so sensitively... Oh, I'm sorry. I meant "dad". He has graduated to dropping the "dy". Sigh... they grow up so fast!
Such an outstanding big brother too. Little one is so in awe of him. Aidan, most of the time, takes it well, and in stride. He allows his little brother to tag along and is patient with him in helping him to understand something or to explain something to him. I worry for both of them (it's in my nature- thanks mom!) as Aidan heads off to Kindergarten. They are so much a part of each other's lives, and now- and for the rest of their childhood lives, there will be many hours each day week day apart. Here, he is letting his little brother sleep on his shoulder.
So, he's five. He amazes me daily. His mind never quits. Even as he dreams. He talks and moves about in his sleep. As I watch him navigate this world, I find myself holding my breath and wishing so many easy paths for him. At the same time, I know that because he has had the challenges he has (the multiple surgeries and body cast confinements- that, of course, we count our blessings was not a worse condition) is a large part of who he is and what I find myself in awe of. The contradiction of life. And he encompasses it so well. Rolling with it always- what an incredible little guy! Happy birthday big boy!

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Is it a stay at home day?

I took my first vacation since I started my job a little over four years ago. This, of course is not counting a day or two off here and there... but I haven't had the time to take off because when I started I was pregnant and had to save my time up (and use all of my time off) for maternity leave, then it was the kids being sick and sick and sick their first year of germ exposure at daycare, then it was Aidan's surgery. We get 26 days off a year, which, in American terms is pretty good, it is also easy to eat away at it with appointments here and there. So, anyway, I had some time saved up, so I took the week of the 4th off! Sigh... I'm still basking in the loveliness of it!

David, of course, had it off too. He still worked from home a lot... the man never stops (and it is his busy time of year due to year end and audit stuff), but at least his job is flexible enough a lot of the so that if he has his phone and laptop he can get stuff done away from the job.

So, where did I go, you ask? Here's the wonderful part... we stayed home and people came to us! We had Grandma Melodie/Grandpa Martin from Florida here, Grandma S from downstate, and my cousin Nikki and her family from Colorado throughout the week. It was fun, fun, fun. And around here is the place to be during the fourth, the parade, fireworks over the lake, the lake itself, cookouts, playgrounds, walks in the park etc. Fun times. I think I'm going to do more of this "vacationing" thing!

Monday, July 19, 2010

first day back to day care in two weeks and...

Just couldn't make it through dinner... soooo worn out! (Notice the food choice he missed... got the applesauce and chicken nuggets in!)

Monday, July 5, 2010

Missing Grandpa...

David's family has experienced a great deal of loss this year. Last week, David's grandpa Bill passed away. Grandpa left for out of state to stay with Uncle Jim/Aunt Kathy (whom he and grandma have always visited annually) the day after grandma Louise's funeral in October. He has not been healthy enough to return home.
Louise and Bill were such a faithful/loving couple. I remember the first time I met grandma and grandpa. I was so nervous... it was the first... maybe second time we met and David had spoken highly of his grandparents and I knew already they meant a lot to him. That was the night he announced our engagement to them! I was secretly hoping he would wait to tell them. David popped the question three short months after we started dating. I worried they would be critical and tell us we should take things more slowly. Instead, they advised us (I can't remember the exact words) to keep things fun and be nice and keep the love alive. I remember as we were leaving that night, grandpa said "come here Weegie" and pulled grandma down on his lap as she giggled. They were grandparents, and still really in love. :) I like to think of them re-joined now, healthy and happy.
I remember games with grandma and grandpa and David (pre-kids)... skip-bo/Rumikub. They were so funny- listening to their finely tuned and gentle banter between them. They are really a fine example of keeping love alive between them as well as sharing that love with their church and their family.
Here are a couple of pictures of grandpa Bill.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

"And a cherry on top for my mommy, please!"

Kids say such adorable/funny/insightful things. There are so many things that I wish I had jotted down because when I go to tell the story knowing something hysterical/cute/scary happened, it completely slips from my mind. So, I am hoping to capture more of those quotes and note them here to help jog my pregnancy brain (no- I'm not pregnant- but I just never lost the lack of brain part of the pregnancy, or the belly- sigh...) but the kids are worth it- and here is why---

Here's a quick story from last night. My mom and I decided to take Aidan out for a date last night. David had Owen out of town to pick David's mom up from the airport as she is in to see her mom who is very ill. They were getting home very late at night so I wanted to take advantage of my alone time with Aidan.

We went to a local restaurant/ice cream place. Aidan ordered his own dessert from the waitress... and this is what he said:
"I would like white ice cream with chocolate syrup and a cherry on top for my mommy, please."
What I found especially endearing is that this was not prompted at all... he just knew he didn't want the cherry, but figured I might (I'm guessing he figured this because he also doesn't like whip cream, and I am usually more than happy to help him out with that).

I just love those little guys!

Saturday, May 1, 2010


How did that happen?? Here are some pictures from Easter day... the last time I got my camera out. Yikes- I'm slipping!
Typical Owen... falling over, getting bumps... sigh...

I added this because Aidan just looks so grown up to me... pushing the stool over to wash his hands after going potty! Poor kids, do I really have to document EVERYTHING? (Don't mind the snowman soap dispenser... It still had soap, so I wanted to use it up rather then trying to pour it into a different dispenser- aka- laziness!)

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Instead of surgery...

We went to bed early last night... about 9:30, and the boys were already in bed, in preparation for our 3:30 wake up to get to the hospital in time for the 6:30 check in. Just as I was about to go to sleep, I heard Owen whining and went to check on him. Just as I did, he threw up all over his bed, himself, and kept on going.... poor little guy. So, we weren't really sure what to do... check in at 6:30, kind of late to cancel the surgery. David called the doctor and he suggested we reschedule because we don't know if Owen is sick. So, for the second time, we have cancelled the boys surgery due to illness at the VERY LAST MINUTE... I'm sure they love us. Ugh.

Owen woke up this morning feeling pretty okay. Very runny nose, more then he has had- so for that reason too, I'm glad we rescheduled. Aidan is also very runny- and worse then yesterday too. He is also complaining of a stomach ache on and off.

Among all of the yuckies, we did have some fun today! We listened to music (the first picture is of the boys picking out their music on the kitchen stereo), and went outside- played in the sand box, tried climbing trees, we looked for flowers blooming and rode bikes.

Owen is now going on 2 1/2 hours of a nap, and not stirring, I think he is worn out. Aidan said he is tired, but stated, "It is not dark, it is not night night time!" so he will not nap. I even offered to nap with him (wasn't that generous?) he didn't think that was as good an idea as I did... so he is playing a game, and I am writing on the blog.

I'm going to go keep him company- here are some pictures from today:

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Boys to men??

It's been a while since I have posted... boys are still growing like weeds, time is still flying by. We've battled a few illnesses, one that post-poned their surgery to this week Thursday (it was originally scheduled for February). They are getting their boy surgery- didn't get it done when they were born: Aidan because we would have had to go back for it because he was in NICU when he was born, then he had his hip surgery at 3 months- so we just opted not to. Owen, because Aidan didn't have it and it's an "unnecessary" surgery. However, now, it appears necessary because they both have had a little trouble. So, we go Thursday, arrival time 6:30am and it's 1 1/2 hour drive. THAT's an early morning. Especially considering daylight savings SPRING AHEAD was today. But, I like the early morningness of it too because they can't eat/drink etc before hand. It will be Owen's first surgery, so I'm a bit freaked out about that. Aidan's a pro (poor little guy) so a little less worried- still worried though (it's in my nature- thanks mom!)

So, here we are, heading into spring of 2010... doing some re-modling of the house (does it ever end?) and spring cleaning. I love this time of year for that purpose. Purging of the winter blahs mentally and physically! Ahhh.... spring is in the air!!

Here are a few recent pictures of the boys!