Owen still uses a pacifier. Mostly while he is sleeping- but also when he gets hurt- which is way too often- to give you an idea why... I took him to the coffee shop this morning and he pointed to the roof and said "I can jump from there... when I get wings, I can fly!" and, he truly believes that- so sometimes he has his pacifier when he is testing out his wing growth.
One of these days, Owen had his pacifier and asked for a snack. I told him he would have to put his pacifier and his cow up (he has a cow flashlight he likes to feed because the mouth opens up where the light is). I came out with the snack to find this:

If you can't tell in the picture, Owen put his pacifier in the cow's mouth. Such a sweet little man!
awwwww! sweet man indeed! his roof-leaping ambitions remind me of elise's and were the main reason for her paci use, too. those same ambitions are also what i blame my gray hairs on..... ;)