We went with cousin's S and S, and aunt C and uncle M. Also, Uncle W. was able to join us this year (he was in town for grandma's funeral and so he wasn't able to go trick or treating with his girls in Cali- so he decided to go with the nephews.) I think a fun time was had by all.
It was pretty cold- but it made it easier to get the boys to come in after their fun was had. They are being amazingly controlled about the candy consumption. They don't ask for it that much- a couple of times a day- but we have set a limit to only after they eat something of some substance...and it really hasn't been a hassle. They really aren't candy guys yet. Mommy... however... where's that halloween candy??? It's like stealing candy from a baby... (just kidding- kind of)!
so cute!! i love it. :) glad you guys had fun! isn't it much more fun when the kids are into it, too?