Early Sunday morning, about 4am- I was awakened by Aidan crying- sobbing. I quickly went to the boys room and found Owen jumping from Aidan's bed. I was still half asleep, but did surmise that Owen must have somehow hurt Aidan, probably by accident- trying to wake his brother to play... I immediately started to comfort Aidan stroking his hair and asked him what happened. He told me he was sad. I asked Owen to say he was sorry. Owen immediately said, "I didn't do it!" Then Aidan explained to me, "you are mean mommy! You hurt my feelings! You were grouchy with me downstairs! Why did you do that?" I tried to in my half asleep way explain to Aidan what dreams are- but I didn't even understand my explanation.
I told Aidan I was sorry for hurting his feelings in his dream and kissed him on the cheek. He said, "mommy, that's not my feelings, kiss my feelings!" I kissed his chest (above his heart.) He was calmed down and closed his eyes.
Before leaving the room, Owen asked me for another pacifier (yes, he still uses a pacifier- let's not go there right now- another day...). We quickly looked for the one he went to bed with and had no luck in finding- so I just went to get another- and went back to bed for my last couple of hours of sleep.
When we woke in the morning, Aidan took his jammies off and we found a pacifier in the foot of his jammies. I asked Aidan why he had Owen's pacifier. He said, "when you were grouchy and I was crying, Owen brought me his pacifier and I put it in my jammies."
Immediate guilt and melting all at once. Little Owen, who I assumed was being a stinker and causing his brother to cry last night, was actually giving his brother his pacifier that he has a major addiction to. (To give you an idea- if Owen loses his pacifier in the middle of the night- we have the same sort of sobbing/crying from Owen that Aidan had the other night and he will come to get me). Awwww....
Here they are- pacifier boy loving his big brother!
OMG, I totally have that exact same nightmare about you! :p
ReplyDelete'Kiss my feelings' has got to be the most heart meltiest thing I've heard in a long time. Awwww... And how sweet is Owen to give up his pacifier to comfort his brother? The ultimate symbol of his love. I love your kids. They are such sweeties.
siblings rock. :) what a sweet story!