I told Aidan I was sorry for hurting his feelings in his dream and kissed him on the cheek. He said, "mommy, that's not my feelings, kiss my feelings!" I kissed his chest (above his heart.) He was calmed down and closed his eyes.
Before leaving the room, Owen asked me for another pacifier (yes, he still uses a pacifier- let's not go there right now- another day...). We quickly looked for the one he went to bed with and had no luck in finding- so I just went to get another- and went back to bed for my last couple of hours of sleep.
When we woke in the morning, Aidan took his jammies off and we found a pacifier in the foot of his jammies. I asked Aidan why he had Owen's pacifier. He said, "when you were grouchy and I was crying, Owen brought me his pacifier and I put it in my jammies."
Immediate guilt and melting all at once. Little Owen, who I assumed was being a stinker and causing his brother to cry last night, was actually giving his brother his pacifier that he has a major addiction to. (To give you an idea- if Owen loses his pacifier in the middle of the night- we have the same sort of sobbing/crying from Owen that Aidan had the other night and he will come to get me). Awwww....
Here they are- pacifier boy loving his big brother!