His head was only bleeding very slowly- just needed dabbing every now and again, so I swung by home to change his shirt and called grandma Cheri to see if she wanted to accompany us on our adventure. She was up for the challenge (thank goodness!)
I didn't take a "before" picture, which I am sure you are all grateful for. It almost looked like he had a hole in his head- it was very wide open- so even though it wasn't really bleeding- we figured it needed stitches to close it up.
Owen was really an EXCELLENT patient. I was kind of surprised... no- I was quite surprised- truth be told. We went to the ER desk and the lady asked how she can help (not looking up at Owen) and Owen said "I hurt da head!" and pointed to his head. She melted- and got us right in to triage. ER was bustling- so they actually sent us through to fast track (hooray!). The doctor came in and said he wanted to avoid giving Owen a shot (another hooray) and instead was going to put a topical medicine on his head- but that it had to sit on his head for an hour (oh). Owen hadn't eaten, and by now it was a little after 6pm. But, we did have a diaper bag and grandma had her purse that she carries way too much in (thank goodness!) and Owen ended up having a dinner of goldfish, gummy snacks, m & m's, chocolate, and more gummy snacks.
Eating along with playing with the hospital staff who would come in from time to time to visit the very appealing little patient passed the time pretty quickly. The doctor came in to stitch Owen up, and they strapped him down on a papoose board- putting his arms in a pillowcase and then velcroed the rest of his body down. They also had an assistant and a nurse and me holding him down. The funny thing is, Owen just laid there and laughed at the lights in his eyes. Then they covered his face with one of those papers that is open only where they are going to stitch. Under the little paper- Owen said, "Where'd Owen go?" Then the doctor cleaned him. He flinched a little because it was cold. He was talking- kept asking where he went and where mama and grandma went- (and of course we answered)- then he was very quite. The little dude fell asleep while he was getting stitches! He woke up when the doctor cleaned him again- and was proud of his band-aid. He thanked the doctor and the nurses. The doctor also told us what to watch for with a closed head injury (but wasn't his head OPEN? that's why the stitched him!) Anyway, he said, he may throw up once or twice just because of the trauma, but if he throws up more than that- then bring him back because it might be a sign of a concussion. Grandma said, well, he might throw up because of the dinner he ate. Thank goodness no vomiting- for either reason!)
And we went home via a fast food restaurant since it was after 7:30 pm when we were leaving (and of course, to top off the rest of the healthy dinner, Owen got some chicken nuggets and french fries).
Here are some pictures of the brave little guy.
such a sweet story! "i hurt da head!" your boys are superstar patients. so glad there was no sign of a concussion and that a sticky situation went well. :) thank goodness for super stocked diaper bags and grandma purses!!