Sunday, March 27, 2011

Out like a lamb?

Our spring started with a major snow storm. Schools closed for the two days before spring break started so the kids are getting an EXTRA long "spring" break. We have had fun in spite of the weather. The cousins came over for sledding and hot cocoa- but there was too much fun for pictures that day. Today, we went to the state park and went for a snowy walk and came back for some more sledding. Take that silly spring weather!

Checking out the hill to conquer...
Does this picture make anyone else dizzy? Odd perspective I guess...
I missed their faces and they were priceless... A had a look of delight. O had a look of panic!
My boys!
They keep surprising me with their personalities... A was the dare devil today. O asked if we could walk on the sledding trail to make it slower. It was pretty fast today, the snow is melting just a smidge to make the pass quick!

And... that is a lot of work for a wee little guy!
Happy Spring!