Thursday, November 25, 2010

I am thankful for...

Apples! (Aidan's answer in the Thanksgiving program at his school). His "special day" at school was the day before Thanksgiving break, and that means he gets to bring in a snack and an item from home (this week something that he is thankful for) to share. He was pretty set on the fact that apples (and not the computer, just so we're clear, he is referring to the fruit) is what he is thankful for. He decided after much conversation... "I guess I am thankful for my brother too. He's always around to play with me." So, he took a picture of he and his brother to share at school. Here's the picture he took:

His special day was going well until... while getting off the bus to daycare after his special day was complete, the threw up. Its really awful as a mom to think of him sitting miserable on a bus not sure of what to do. He has played out the story for us a couple of was obviously a bit traumatic for him. "I tried to make it off the bus, but I just didn't," (he says slowly and disappointedly shaking his head). So, he has had the flu for this thanksgiving. WE are thankful that it seems to have been a very mild stomach flu, and we were still able to feast! Even he tried a bit of turkey.

I am so thankful for my little guys! And my big guy! and mom (who even braved the flu to be thankful with us!) and sis and family and friends! Happy Thanksgiving!

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Owen: "Am I perfect? Is that why you bought me?"

Here is the charmer feeding his monkey at the table. He put the monkey in his chair, got him his own fork, and fed him. Awww....