Here is some proof of the day...
Aidan and daddy walking to the school.
With mom in front of the school sign.
We couldn't ask for a more perfect kindergarten teacher. She is definitely in the right job. She is part of the reason we are feeling so at ease.
I think this is the reason I cried as we left. He did have a moment when he looked at us like, "really? You are going to leave me here?" But that quickly passed (for him... not for me).
And getting off of the bus... he forgot his backpack until we reminded him... then his lunch box... he will get the hang of it though!
And, we made it! Even little brother did well with his brother's absence at day care. Day care lady said Owen seemed to enjoy the attention focused on him with the other kiddos there, rather then having to share attention with brother. Aidan got in the car with us and said, "Owen, I missed you today!" Owen said (very nonchalantly), "yeah, I was at Karen's!" Here begins a new chapter- that started out very well!