I took my first vacation since I started my job a little over four years ago. This, of course is not counting a day or two off here and there... but I haven't had the time to take off because when I started I was pregnant and had to save my time up (and use all of my time off) for maternity leave, then it was the kids being sick and sick and sick their first year of germ exposure at daycare, then it was Aidan's surgery. We get 26 days off a year, which, in American terms is pretty good, it is also easy to eat away at it with appointments here and there. So, anyway, I had some time saved up, so I took the week of the 4th off! Sigh... I'm still basking in the loveliness of it!
David, of course, had it off too. He still worked from home a lot... the man never stops (and it is his busy time of year due to year end and audit stuff), but at least his job is flexible enough a lot of the so that if he has his phone and laptop he can get stuff done away from the job.
So, where did I go, you ask? Here's the wonderful part... we stayed home and people came to us! We had Grandma Melodie/Grandpa Martin from Florida here, Grandma S from downstate, and my cousin Nikki and her family from Colorado throughout the week. It was fun, fun, fun. And around here is the place to be during the fourth, the parade, fireworks over the lake, the lake itself, cookouts, playgrounds, walks in the park etc. Fun times. I think I'm going to do more of this "vacationing" thing!