Owen woke up this morning feeling pretty okay. Very runny nose, more then he has had- so for that reason too, I'm glad we rescheduled. Aidan is also very runny- and worse then yesterday too. He is also complaining of a stomach ache on and off.
Among all of the yuckies, we did have some fun today! We listened to music (the first picture is of the boys picking out their music on the kitchen stereo), and went outside- played in the sand box, tried climbing trees, we looked for flowers blooming and rode bikes.
Owen is now going on 2 1/2 hours of a nap, and not stirring, I think he is worn out. Aidan said he is tired, but stated, "It is not dark, it is not night night time!" so he will not nap. I even offered to nap with him (wasn't that generous?) he didn't think that was as good an idea as I did... so he is playing a game, and I am writing on the blog.
I'm going to go keep him company- here are some pictures from today: