It all started with Aidan. We have a sort of landing at the base of our stairs, between the living room and kitchen. He was walking from the kitchen to the living room and somehow tripped and with some momentum behind him because it is a two step landing- he caught a corner of the coffee table behind his ear. Thankfully on a bony area of his head. Here's some proof after the swelling went down.
Then, of course, Owen couldn't be outdone by his older brother... so New Years day- he went out to our kitchen to talk to daddy who was doing the dishes and he was trying to round a corner to quickly. His feet slid from under him and he landed square on his face, chipping his front two teeth. David took him to the dentist the following Monday- and they decided not to touch it right now- not doing any harm really- didn't get down to the root. Then that night- Owen fell with his face into the stair and put his tooth almost through his lip.... (I don't have photographic proof of that- but trust me, it was ugly).
So, really, any suggestions??