Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Bathtime improvised
Hey, Where did Owen go?
Turns out, mom and dad have tricks of their own... it's called childproof locks! No more Owen's hiding in the fridge!
Growing up before our eyes
Daddy decided to take Owen to get a haircut- and upon his return his whole attitude changed- he sat in the chair in a laid back- teenage angst sort of way- or am I the only one seeing that?
Owen has been talking so much... and as a previous post mentioned- he continues to insist on being independent: "Owen do it!" He is such a big boy now- and at the same time- such a cuddle bug. Morning and night time are our times to cuddle when he will climb up on my lap and turn to me several times throughout our lap time and say "hug mama" or "I want a hug". He melts me...
Thursday, March 19, 2009
Owen's here too!
Here's a picture of Owen at the dinner table. He has that "I'm getting away with something" twinkle in his eye. I think he had a great time with eema!
Here's Owen after grandma gave him a bath and styled his hair to look like he is a character in Goofus and Gallant. (Am I the only one that used to read that little highlights cartoon strip about the boy who was either being naughty or polite?) This is an example of Owen's "Gallant" side. Hee hee- silly grandma...
Owen cuddling with "dee dee" (Aunt Candy). Apparently this is the same thing I used to call Candy when I was Owen's age. Awww....
Here's Owen sitting in "Aidan's chair". He typically refuses to sit in it because its Aidan's. He points to it and says "dat's Aidan's". However, rarely he will get up in the chair and give brother kisses and point to Aidan's cast and say "Aidan's boo boo?" The first night home, Owen had a hard time- probably in part because Aidan was not in his room with him (we have Aidan in with us with his matress on the floor... we didn't want to risk Aidan falling out of bed because he can roll over- or Owen jumping on him). He woke about three times crying hard- but was pretty easily consoled and went to sleep again. Since then- he has actually been sleeping longer into the morning... What wonderful boys we have!
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Some people are so inventive!
Anyway, a co-worker came over today with a gift for Aidan. She and her husband created a little desk for Aidan while he is in his cast. It's made up of a dry erase board attached to PVC pipes arranged so the board can be held at an angle. The dry erase board has clips so books/coloring books can be attached to it too. Aidan loves it- and so does mama. It gives him some break from screen time! Thank you Karen and Karen's husband!!
Here are some pictures of their awesome invention...
Here's Karen showing Aidan how to use the desk. (By the way- notice- both have green on-This is not just a coincidence... Happy St. Patricks Day!!)
Sunday, March 15, 2009
Visitors and going home...
Here Aidan in the elevator down to the car. He is in his reclining wheelchair. This is the most he cried through the whole experience. He thought he was getting the cast off before we left the hospital for some reason. So... when we told him we were going home and the cast was still on he was pretty disturbed...
Just after surgery... Here's Aidan still groggy, having a hard time opening that left eye- and his silly mom flashes a camera in his face- come on mom- give the guy a break! (sorry Aidan!) Aidan took a while to wake up from surgery. He went back to surgery on his little wagon- a seemingly drunken little three year old (on Verset-sp?). It helped to relax. David and I didn't realize how out of it he was because he was playing his DS game correctly the whole while- with no changes to his accuracy- so his mind was alert. But then when he moved to get in the wagon- he was very floppy like a rag doll. He went back to surgery at 12:45 and we were called back to recovery at 5:30 ish. I guess the surgery itself took about 3 hours. The rest of the time he was in recovery waking up.
For some reason- Mario got some of Aidan's aggression. Maybe Mario didn't warn him about the surgery part. Aidan needed to bite on something as he was coming fully out of sedation. Mario seemed to be the answer. The nurses in recovery thought the doctors casted Mario (and showed us what the doctor's did when we came in to see Aidan in recovery). We explained that Candy had done it and they were impressed with her craftiness. Aidan needed Mario near him when he was distressed- getting medicine he didn't like/feeling pain. He would find Mario in his bed and hold him next to him (or, in this case, in his teeth!)
I think the IV bothered Aidan almost as much as the cast. He kept saying, can you get this off of me? Most of the night in the hospital was spent trying to get Aidan not to rip out his IV. It was close off- because he was only on regular tylenol after surgery (he got morphine during surgery- and had said he would have a morphine button after- but apparently they decided he didn't need it and did very well just on tylenol).
Again, a little out of order. This is right before discharge after his IV line was removed. Ahhh... he was very glad to have that gone.
Going through an uncomfortable moment... you can tell in his eyes. I added this pic to show that his left leg is exposed. The doctor said he tried to leave as much of Aidan visible as possible. Thanks doctor! He also said even if he grows a little- he won't need re-casting- he will just kind of extrude out of the cast like play-doh. hee hee!
Saturday, March 14, 2009
Aidan is coming home today!
Aidan is doing well. He understood he was getting surgery and getting a cast, what he didn't understand was how 'stuck' he was going to feel. So once in awhile he sort of feels a little freaked out by the confinement. Who wouldn't? But that was totally expected, just hard to watch him struggle with. It is also something that will subside as he gets used to his new routine. The cast he got this time is fiberglass, which is much more lightweight than his previous plaster casts, it is also not the full cast on both sides, just the one leg is fully casted with a partial on his left leg. The doctor told them he could be as active as the cast will allow within reason. So basically he's protected enough to be a little boy, which is wonderful. Obviously, he won't be jumping on the bed for awhile, but he can wiggle, squirm, and move to his heart content without giving his parents a heart attack and that is a good thing.
Christy tried to post pictures last night on here, but wasn't able to transfer files onto the hospital computer, so she promises to do so as soon as possible. David and Christy are doing very well and are so proud of their little guy. They sound sooooo exhausted though and I am not sure that they have slept much in the last couple days. The surprise release from the hospital is very welcome, but they will have to do some espresso shots before they hit the road I am guessing.
The ride home will be a bit tricky. Aidan cannot fit into a upright carseat so his only option is a lay down vest type restraint that basically doesn't totally protect him in case of an accident, just prevents him from being thrown from the car. So I am sure Christy and David would welcome some safe journey thoughts and prayers as this causes some obvious anxiety.
The hospital staff was so impressed with Aidan's ability to cope with his situation. He has been polite and calm throughout the ordeal, meeting milestones way ahead of expectations. He is ready to come home! Thank you to everyone for your kind thoughts and words of encouragement. It means a lot to my sister's family to have such a wonderful support network. And as much as I've enjoyed writing here, I am excited to report that most likely it will be Christy and David posting the next news later this evening, from the comfort of their own home. :)
I'm going to post some pictures in different posts... here are some pictures of pre surgery- maybe a little out of order-
Here's a picture of Aidan's pre-surgery bath- he had a fun time "swimming". It will be his last swim for about 6 weeks- so he hung out in the bathtub to enjoy the water for a while.
Here's Aidan eating his 5:30am breakfast. He had to stop all foods by 6am, so we woke him early to eat (he had a late night the night before because of our long trip to the hospital and we were out of his element... so he was pretty tuckered when we woke him up- but he ate and even was able to drink until 9am- his preop appointment was at 11- surgery scheduled for 12, so he didn't have to be without for really all that long!) Aidan kept saying, "Okay, I'm ready to go home now." He was always very polite and understanding when we told him we had to stay for him to see the doctor.
Here he is in the pre-operative waiting room. Look at those big trusting eyes! ... Again- in pre-operative waiting room. It's a good set up- lots to occupy the kiddos while waiting.
Friday, March 13, 2009
Aidan Update III
Aidan Update II
The doctor was pleased how everything went. He added a couple pins that will need to come out in six weeks under general anesthesia. But all in all, a very successful surgery. Christy and David will get to see him soon and I'll have more information to share then.
Comments made easier.
So go ahead! Show your love :)
Aidan Update
I am writing for my sister since she won't have computer access until this evening or possibly tomorrow. She wanted to make sure that everyone was updated on Aidan's progress, so I am hacking her blog until she can take over. So any incorrect medical information that might happen would be totally on me. I try to pay attention, but you know, lots of big words... Thanks! Candy
Aidan was wheeled into surgery at around 12:45. The surgery is expected to last at least three hours and then he'll rest in post op until around 5:00 or 5:30 p.m. Christy told me that Aidan was so cute when they first gave him the drugs to relax him, laughing slowly and at everything. The hospital staff has been wonderful and they've made every step as comfortable for Aidan as possible. He was allowed to eat this morning until 6 a.m., drink up until 9 a.m. He didn't have to come into the hospital until 11 p.m. and everything started at that point. He didn't get the IV until after he was comfortably drugged even. So all in all, as pleasant an experience as can be hoped for.
Aidan is having a Pemberton procedure where they will be building up the anterior shelf of his hip bone. There. That sounded like I totally knew what I was talking about, didn't it? Here is a link that is sort of hard to read and full of more information than I personally can absorb, but it is interesting and Google told me it applied to this situation.
There is the possibility that both of his legs might not be casted. Christy isn't sure, but one of the nurses implied that he might just have his right leg fully casted and the other partially. This will be much more comfortable and cooler if it is the case. And in other good news - there is a Starbucks right down the hall from where Christy and David are waiting. Nothing like mixing caffeine and adrenaline. But actually it sounds like the hospital is a very good place with a wonderful cafeteria, and yes, places like Starbucks. All of these things making it more tolerable. Christy and David sound really good. I imagine the time will start to really drag here soon, though. That is a long time for your baby to be in surgery.
Christy and David truly appreciate everyone's thoughts and prayers right now. Thank you to everyone who has been so supportive and kind during this crazy time. I will be sure to post again when I get the next update.
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Mario's predicament
Aidan was gentle and caring to Mario in his situation. You could see the wheels turning...
Aidan also recently acquired a doctor's kit. We wanted him to understand what is going to happen when he gets to the hospital so he wouldn't feel so poked and prodded, but understand that what they are doing when the take his blood pressure and listen to his heart, etc. Aidan really gets it. Here he is listening to Mario's heart. Sounds good!
Last night, before he went to bed, Aidan said, "Mama, I don't want to have a strange muscle anymore because that means I won't be able to play." So, he gets it... understands he will be confined. We are just trying to get him to also understand this is temporary... However, this morning, poor Mario was rejected. Luigi was the man of the hour. (Aunt Candy also brought Luigi over for little bro). Aidan swapped them this morning. Note: Aidan calls his hip problem "strange muscle" because he heard the doctor responding to our question about his complaints about his "good" hip being sore. The doctor said he probably has a strained muscle and Aidan said "Yes, I do have a strange muscle"... and that is how he explains his problem hip since that appointment.
And, Owen, gladly took over the role of Mario's care taker. He was very gentle and loving toward him... although he did take one dive from the breakfast table- Mario-not Owen, thank goodness, I don't need two kiddos in casts!
Thursday, March 5, 2009
Here's a picture of how we sometimes find the boys in the morning. They share a room, but they have their own beds. Owen often wakes up in the middle of the night and heads to Aidan's bed to snuggle the rest of the night. (I'm using "snuggle" loosely- Owen is sort of like a puppy- he lays every which way- often with his feet in Aidan's face- like here- Owen is the one lying across the bed, Aidan's head is at the top of the bed).